Constitution of iran 1979 pdf merge

The constitution of islamic republic of iran iran chamber society. Exporting the revolution in irans constitution and the mahdi. This article is to explain the policies that have been undertaken by government of iran in foreign affairs since islamic revolution 1979. Iran s new islamic constitution stipulated that the president of iran would nominate the iranian cabinet, including the prime minister, which was to be approved by a vote of confidence in the iranian parliament. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran persian. Any serious crisis in iran could jeopardize the clergys favored position in government. It delegates power to a religious leader, originally the ayatollah khomeini, to be chosen by elected representatives. Following the iranian revolution of 1979, the position of shah was removed as the head of state, effectively ending iran s history of monarchy. The islamic consultative assembly irans legislative body, the islamic consultative assembly is analogous to the united states congress. The iranian revolution a history and analysis of the revolution in which socialists aligned themselves with islamists to overthrow the westbacked shah.

The causes of the constitutional revolution in iran. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran, setting forth as it does the political, social, cultural, and economic institutions and their relations that are to exist in society, must now provide for the consolidation of the foundations of islamic government, and propose the plan of a new system of government to be erected on the ruins of. Constitutional revolution iran oxford islamic studies online. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran is a declaration of the social, cultural, political. The new constitution drawn up by the body was approved by the voters in a referendum in december. This republican constitution replaced the 1906 constitution, which, with its provisions for a shah to reign as head of state, was the earliest constitution in the middle east. Constitutional convention elections were held in iran on 3 and 4 august 1979. There was a revolution in iran in 1979 because the people of iran had become disenchanted with the rule of the shah. Although principles underlined in constitution of iran have been followed by islamic. The form of government of iran is that of an islamic republic, endorsed by the people of iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in the sovereignty of truth and quranic justice, in the referendum of farvardin 9 and 10 in the year 58 of the solar islamic calendar, corresponding to jamadi alawwal 1 and 2 in the year 99 of the lunar islamic calendar march 29 and 30. The iranian constitution was adopted on 24 october 1979, and was the effective law of the country as of 3 december of that same year. A new constitution of the islamic republic of iran was adopted in 1979.

A populist revolution in 197879 put an end to irans longstanding tradi. Until the constitutional revolution, the source of law in iran was the sharia as. Pdf foreign policy of iran after islamic revolution. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran is a declaration of the social, cultural, political, and economic foundations of the iranian society based on islamic principles and norms that re. Ciardp80t00942a0006000700020 25x1 approved for release 20020509 the iranian constitution the demands ollranian political and religious opposi tion leaders that the shah return. Polk the united states has assembled the most powerful military force ever known on the borders of iran. Constitution of the islamic republic of iran wikipedia. Preamble to the 1979 iranian constitution original electronic texts at the international constitutional law web site. The form of government of iran is that of an islamic republic, endorsed by the people of iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in the sovereignty of truth and quranic justice, in the referendum of farvardin 9 and 10 in the year 58 of the solar islamic calendar, corresponding to jamadi alawwal 1 and 2 in the year 99 of the lunar islamic. The constitution was then ratified in a referendum held during december 23, 1979. Constitutional revolution iran iranian revolution, 1905 11, caused by dissatisfaction with economic stagnation, influence of western power, and results of the russojapanese war of 1904 05 and the russian revolution of 1905. The constitution has been called a hybrid of theocratic and democratic elements. Khomeini had charged the provisional government with the task of drawing up a draft constitution. Seventh term october 6th, 1928 november 5th, 1930 majlis granted the right of issuing currency to the iran national bank bank melli iran.

To retain its legitimacy and religious standing, the clergy may have to distance itself from politics. A copy of the iranian constitution may be obtained from the iran analytic center, telephone confidential rp 791 january 1979 approved for release 20020509. Article 24 of the constitution of the islamic republic of iran 1979, establishing the right to freedom of expression, qualifies that right by wideranging restrictions on its exercise. Between the establishment of the islamic republic of iran and the final ratification of the constitution, the iranian debate centered on two fundamental issues in particular. The islamic revolution was founded on the principle of improving the lot of the poor. The constitution of 1906 and the islamic republic constitution of 1979 both recognized all the minority religions except bahaism which has had approximately 80,000 adherents, although the exact figure of its followers is not known. The ayatollah did a great job of demonizing the west to the point where nearly. Jan 19, 2016 the iranian governments behavior has been consistent since the 1979 revolution. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran sets forth the cultural, social, political. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran sets forth the cultural, social, political and economic institutions of the people of iran, based on islamic principles and rules, and reflecting the fundamental desires of the islamic people.

A comparative overview of the iranian constitutions of 190607 and 1979. The constitution of the islamic republic of iran advances the cultural, social, political, and economic institutions of iranian society based on islamic principles and norms, which represent an honest aspiration of the islamic ummah. The supplement motammem to the constitution qanune asasi, lit. See international campaign for human rights in iran, report on the status of. Khatami swept 1997 iranian elections on a platform of reform and openness. Pdf this article is to explain the policies that have been undertaken by. Iran inhibiting the development of a useful public debate in iran. What changes occurred in iran after the revolution in 1979. The constitution that iran adopted states the objective of exporting the revolution. Pdf foreign policy of iran after islamic revolution researchgate. Significant amendments were adopted on 28 july 1989.

So, hashemi rafsanjani applied pragmatic policy and attempted to combine. This constitution was later on amended to give the supreme. They felt that he was modernizing and westernizing their country to a degree. The result was a victory for the islamic republican party. May 16, 2017 exporting the revolution in irans constitution and the mahdis return track persia may 16, 2017 apocalypticism within the twelver sect of shiism is the most important component of the the shiite apocalyptic tradition because it is fundamentally associated with the notion of the twelfth, or hidden, imamsomething that is absent. The iranian constitution is a reflection of the islamic theocracy and. Khomeinis concept of velayatefaqih rule by a supreme islamic jurisprudent, or supreme leader was enshrined in the constitution that was adopted in a public referendum in december 1979 and amended in 1989. Iran constitution of 1906 wikisource, the free online library. A comparative overview of the iranian constitutions of 1906. News corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Constitution of iran constitutional background the former monarchy and the constitution of 1906 were abolished by the revolution of february 1979.

We have sent our apostles with veritable signs and brought down with them scriptures and the scales of justice, so that men might conduct themselves with fairness. February 1, 1979, and, on february 11, 1979, he declared an islamic republic of iran. Constitution of the islamic republic of iran foundation for. With the merger of religious and political power, the state embarked.

Pursuant the referendum on creating the islamic republic in march 1979, the new constitution came into force in the same year and many of the ordinary laws of the country were also reformed. Revolution of iran, and the course of the struggle of the muslim people from its. Americas neocons continue to beat the drums for war with iran, brushing aside warnings even from israeli intelligence veterans. First, the major procedural question was the ratification method of the constitution. Iran, may 2008 3 in november 1979, students affiliated with the latter group occupied the u. Constitution of the islamic republic of iran wikisource. Another part of the propaganda is to merge a future. He was the president of iran from 1981 to 1989 and succeeded ayatollah khomeini after his death in 1989 as the supreme leader of iran. Preamble to the 1979 iranian constitution hanover college. The form of government of iran is that of an islamic republic, endorsed by the people of iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in the sovereignty of truth and koranic justice, in the referendum of 29 and 30 march 1979, through the affirmative vote of a majority of 98. Although principles underlined in constitution of iran have been followed by. A step in this direction was taken on march 30 and 31, 1979, when a national referendum was held to determine the kind of political system to be established. Iran is a heterogeneous country combining many ethnic, religious, tribal. View 1979 iranian revolution research papers on academia.

The causes of the constitutional revolution in iran 383 although marx and engels considered ideologies to be a part of the super structure dependent upon the social structures, they did not deny the possibility that radical ideologists could, at times, develop into independent forces capable of helping undermine the ruling class. That force is just a step or a misstep away from war. Iran islamic republic ofs constitution of 1979 with amendments through 1989. I would say that the primary change in iran after the 1979 revolution was the changed relationship with the west. The constitution, having regard to the islamic contents of the iranian revolution, which was a movement for the victory of all the oppressed over the arrogant, provides a basis for the continuation of that revolution both inside and outside the country. This aspiration was exemplified by the nature of the great islamic revolution of iran, and by the. The government is based upon the constitution that was approved in a national referendum in december 1979. Constitution of the islamic republic of iran adopted.

Oct 05, 2010 since 1979, irans theocratic regime has deprived the entire clerical class of its autonomybut also made it rich and powerful. Constitution of the islamic republic of iran financial disclosure. The iranian governments behavior has been consistent since the 1979 revolution. This controversial religion is known among the iranian muslim. Following the success of the revolution, the islamists instituted a theocratic dictatorship and wiped out the workers movement and the left. The constitution, having regard to the islamic contents of the iranian revolution. Although principles underlined in constitution of iran.

The 1979 constitution dates 24 oct 1979 and is in force since 3 dec 1979. The 270 member assembly is endowed with many of the same powersit is the main lawmaking body of the country. Constitution of the islamic republic encyclopaedia iranica. Procedure for trial and prosecution of ministers by jury. A history of modern iran in a radical reappraisal of irans modern history, ervand abrahamian traces its traumatic journey across the twentieth century, through the discoveryofoil,imperialinterventions,theruleofthepahlavis,and,in 1979, revolution and the birth of the islamic republic. The islamic revolution and iran under ayatollah khomeini, 1979 1989. Each morning as i awake, i rush to the television to find out if it has been taken.